
Showing posts from December, 2012

Cover Disappeared When Converting Epub to Mobi

When I convert ePub book to mobi format using Calibre and view in Kindle for PC, the cover does not show up. I found this thread   which mentioned about the workaround. Tried it and worked. In the Conversion dialog box, select MOBI Output and enable sharing like the figure below.

Delete Multiple Personal Documents from Kindle Library

Amazon let you delete Personal Documents one by one. And it takes a lot of time waiting for refresh. I found a workaround from this thread : Basically what you have to do is : 1. From Manage Your Kindle page, select Personal Documents (important : you have to select this for the script below to work) 2. Search or filter until you get the result list you want to delete 3. Use the following Javascript. In my case, I used Chrome and went to Menu --> Tools --> Javascript Console javascript:(function(){ var v = new RegExp("PersonalDocuments"); if (!v.test(document.URL)) { return false; } {a=document.getElementsByClassName('rowBodyCollapsed');for(var i = 0; ietAttribute('asin'));};return; }})(); 4. Enter and wait until the page refreshed. And all the 15 entries deleted. Though not completely what I wanted but this is better than doing it one-b...

Turning Off Apple Wireless Keyboard

To turn off your keyboard: Press and hold the On/Off switch located on the right side of the battery compartment for at least three seconds. The LED indicator turns on when you press the button and turns off when the keyboard has turned off.